
What is myopia?

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition in which distance objects are focused in front of the retina, instead of on the retina. Myopia happens when there is a mismatch between the refractive power (too much) and the length of the eye globe (too long).

Myopia is corrected with a minus lens to reduce the extra power.

Is myopia caused by genetics or environment?

Both. Genetics predispose one to myopia and also make one more susceptible to the environmental factors that fasten myopia progression.

Many studies have been done to study the cause and mechanism of myopia development. Although we still do not have a full understanding yet, we know that it is not a simple process that can be attributed to a single factor.

If your parents are not myopic, and you think you are blessed with good genes and therefore do not practice good visual hygiene, you can still become myopic.

If your parents are myopic, you are more likely to be myopic yourself. You cannot change your genes (at lease not currently), but you can lessen the amount by practicing good visual hygiene, which I will discuss later.

What is the risk of uncontrolled myopia?

In addition to poor eyesight when not wearing glasses, high myopia also have medical consequences. Myopia greater 6.00D are associated with increased risk for retinal detachment, glaucoma and myopic degeneration.

What treatment options do you offer in correcting myopia and control myopia?

Depending on each individual case, one or more option can be utilized.

Glasses: help to eliminate blur. Bifocal or progressive can be utilized to reduce excessive near focusing demand.

Acupuncture/pressure massage: helps to relieve muscle spasms and improve ocular blood flow.

Vision therapy: helps to strengthen eye coordination and focusing muscles. Improved visual efficiency reduces stress on the visual system. Pseudo-myopia happens when patients have a hard time relaxing their focusing muscle. Vision therapy can help.

GP lenses: help to eliminate blur. GP lens can help with myopia control to some degree.

CRT : Please see our CRT page for detailed explanation.

What can I do at home to lessen myopia progression?

Here are some tips:

  • Limit Screen time: TV, computer, games, smart phones, iPads, etc.;
  • Rest breaks every 20-30 mins from near work; have a timer handy;
  • Remember to look far away to relax your eyes during study breaks.
  • Do your acupressure massage while taking a break.
  • When your eyes are tired, take a break. Do not press on.
  • Try not to study past midnight.
  • Improve the lighting condition. Do not study in dim light.
  • Do physical activities outdoors daily.
  • Avoid high glycemic food such as refined sugar and starch, especially at night.

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